Motivation in esports – A review of current litterature 2021

Motivational factors for gamers and esport players Electronic games are a vastly growing industry, with multiple platforms and participants the world over. This also includes the competitive world, with esports growing rapidly every day. But even though this world is so influential, there is still a research gap compared to other sports fields. Numerous people […]

Why communication is important for teamwork in esport

Why communication is important for teamwork in esport Are you looking for ways to optimize your teamwork in esports? Have you ever wondered what psychological factors play a role in esports teamwork? There are, without any doubt, multiple factors that influence better performance as a team. This article examines why communication is important for teamwork […]

The risk of groupthink and how to avoid it in your esports team

The risk of groupthink and how to avoid it in your esports team Groupthink is a thiing, that can occur in every team. Groupthink can be a good thing, that can lead to better decision-making in a team. But it can also have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is important for esports teams to know […]

Leadership in eSports

As with all other organized human interaction, eSports needs leaders. Whether we are talking teams, organizations, schools with eSport or even the entire eSports culture, there will always be a need for leaders. Leaders are the figures that step up to the challenge of creating, developing and maintaining eSports projects. They are the ones weaving […]

Motivation af videns-arbejdere

Hvorfor er det vigtigt at arbejde med medarbejderens motivation? Arbejdsmarkedet har de sidste ti år været under en forandringsproces. Berlinske business skriver det måske på den mest simple måde: ”De små årgange kommer ind, og de store forlader arbejdsmarkedet, så uanset konjunkturerne betyder det, at vi har brug for Generation Y. Vi kan ikke bare […]