Hvorfor er det svært at komme igang med fysisk aktivitet?
Fysisk aktivitet burde jo være godt Det er efterhånden et velkendt sundhedsproblem, at overvægt, livsstilssygdomme, kroniske sygdomme og en stillesiddende livsstil er blevet en del af vores samfund som følge af bl.a. fysisk inaktivitet. Dette er på trods af, at motion bliver fremstillet som værende noget, der føles godt. Videnskaben viser nemlig, at motion og træning kan […]
Præstér under pres – hvordan?
Præstér under pres – hvordan? Får du nogensinde “sommerfugle” i maven, før du skal fremlægge eller konkurrere? Bliver du nervøs før starten af en stor kamp eller har du svært ved at slappe af, når du skal til eksamen holde oplæg foran andre mennesker? Alle mennesker kan opleve at blive nervøse eller spændte, når vi […]
Motivation in esports – A review of current litterature 2021
Motivational factors for gamers and esport players Electronic games are a vastly growing industry, with multiple platforms and participants the world over. This also includes the competitive world, with esports growing rapidly every day. But even though this world is so influential, there is still a research gap compared to other sports fields. Numerous people […]
Coaching in esports – A review of current litterature 2021
Coaching in esports All over the world, Esports is a fast-growing sports industry, with games like CS:GO and League of Legends becoming very popular with enormous platforms. The competition in these games increases, therefore players and coaches must practice many hours a day to perform on a professional level. This calls for the need for […]
Why communication is important for teamwork in esport
Why communication is important for teamwork in esport Are you looking for ways to optimize your teamwork in esports? Have you ever wondered what psychological factors play a role in esports teamwork? There are, without any doubt, multiple factors that influence better performance as a team. This article examines why communication is important for teamwork […]
Growth mindset in esport
Why is it important to have a growth mindset in esport? A growth mindset is important simply because having a fixed mindset stops development in all areas of life. A growth mindset gives you the necessary mentality for the opposite: continual, feedback-driven and realistic development. To succeed as an esports athlete there is no […]
Præsentationsteknik – at gøre vores budskab brugbart for vores publikum
Hvorfor skal vi kunne præsentere som professionelle? Vi har alle sammen oplevet det: at stå foran en forsamling og præsenterer noget vi ved noget om. Det kan være alt lige fra at fremlægge et budget, til at vise hele organisationen den nye strategi for salget af et nyt produkt. De fleste af os har nok […]